Channel: Sunu Family
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Dalam postingan ini, saya hendak mengupdate beberapa publikasi tulisan saya, baik akademik maupun non-akademik.


Dissertation (writer) titled “Return, Reintegration and Local Development: Indonesian Migrant Workers in Three Regions”, July 2024

Article (co-writer) titled Demokrasi, Sensor dan Konflik Israel-Palestina; Analisa terhadap 110 Artikel Media Massa Jerman“, PPI Jerman Briefs No. 1, January 2024

Master thesis (writer) titled “Social Adaptation of Muslim Ethnic Minorities in Taiwan: Case Study of Indonesian Muslim and Chinese Muslim.” Published by IMAS, National Chengchi University, Taipei, January 2015

Master thesis (writer) titled Persepsi Siswa dan Mahasiswa Jepang terhadap Islam dan Muslim (The Perception of Japanese University and Senior High School Students toward Islam and Muslim Community), by Postgraduate Program, University of Indonesia, Depok – West Java

Bachelor thesis (writer) titled “Dampak dan Respon dari Kebijakan Global War on Terrorism bagi Komunitas Muslim di Amerika Serikat” (The Influence and Impact of The U.S.’s Policy of Global War on Terrorism towards Islam and Muslim Community in the U.S.), by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Article (writer) titled “Perkembangan Kebijakan Keamanan Jepang di Asia Timur: Pembelajaran bagi Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia”, in Journal titled Internationale Unsoed, Volume 4, 2011, published by Department of International Relations, University of Jendral Soedirman, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

Non-Academic Articles

Essay (writer) titled “Kartini Masa Kini: Semangat Perjuangkan Pilihan dan Ikut Ambil Peran”, essay competition held by the Indonesian Consulate General in Frankfurt (KJRI Frankfurt), Germany, April 2021

Article (contributor) for Ummi Magazine, Cahaya Islam dari Kota Judi, Macau, 2014

Article (contributor) for Ummi Magazine, Ufuk Luar – Kabar Islam dari Pulau Formosa“, March 2014

Article (writer) for “My NCCU, My Story”, published by Office of International Cooperation, NCCU, Taipei

Essay (writer) titled “Facing the Challenge; a Long Journey for ASEAN Unity in Diversity, SWOT Analysis.” Compilation Articles for The 9th ASEAN University Network Educational Forum and Speech Contest, in National University of Laos, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Published by ASEAN University Network (AUN) and NUoL, Lao PDR.

Conference Papers

Conference Paper (writer) titled “The Role of NGO In Empowering Woman Returned Indonesian Migrant Workers in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara”, proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture, and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia. https://eudl.eu/doi/10.4108/eai.30-8-2021.2316256

Conference Paper (writer) titled“Muslim in Contemporary Taiwan; Its Problems and Challenges“,presented in The 9th ASAHK, University of Hong Kong, 14 – 15 March 2014

Conference Paper (writer) titled “The Development of Islam and Muslim in Taiwan; Struggling for Being Known”, presented at the 9th Asian Center Graduate Students Conference on Asian Studies at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, The Philippines.

Conference Paper (writer) titled “The Role of the NGO and Government in the Education Development in Indonesia’s Border Islands; Case Study of Indonesia Mengajar and SM3T”, presented at The International Conference on Island Development 2013, in Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan

Conference Paper (writer) titled “Paradox on China’s Great Western Development; Social-ethno Problem in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region”,  presented and published at the 6th Conference of the Indonesian Students Association in Korea, in Daejeon

Work-Related Publications

Campaign Guidelines (Co-writer) titled “Panduan Kampanye Mengurangi Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan” (Campaign Guidelines to Reduce Violence against Women), published by Forum Pengada Layanan (FPL), supported by Program MAMPU, June 2017

Book (Editor) titled Naskah Akademik dan Draft RUU Kitab Hukum Pemilu: Usulan Masyarakat Sipil (Academic Paper and Bill Draft of Election Codification: Proposal from Civil Society), published by Partnership for Governance Reform, August 2015

Book (Editor) titled Desain Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pemantauan Pemilu (The Design of Society Participation on Election Monitoring), published by Partnership for Governance Reform and Perludem, June 2015

Book (Co-Editor) titled “Potret Partisipasi Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil dalam Pemantauan Pemilu 1999-2014” (The Portrait of Civil Society Organisations Participation in Election Monitoring 1999-2014), published by Partnership for Governance Reform, June 2015

Book (Editor) titled “Studi tentang Desain Kelembagaan Pemilu yang Efektif (The Study of Effective Election Institution Design), published by Partnership for Governance Reform, June 2015

Book (Editor) titled Transformasi Bawaslu dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengawasan Pemilu (Oversight Body Transformation and Society Participation on Election Monitoring), published by Partnership for Governance Reform, June 2015

Book (Co-Editor) titled Peta Permasalahan dalam Keuangan Politik Indonesia(The Roadmap of Political Finance Problems in Indonesia), published by Partnership for Governance Reform, March 2015

Book (Editor) titled Indonesia Mengajar 2, published by Bentang Pustaka, June 2012

Book (Editor) titled Indonesia Mengajar, published by Bentang Pustaka, November 2011

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