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Taiwan Status


#Bagi yang tertarik dengan studi Cross-Strait Relations antara Taiwan dan China, dan juga sejarah Taiwan silakan baca postingan ini ya :D !


Kemarin malam, seorang kawan bertanya padaku terkait sejarah Taiwan. “Sebenernya, gimana sih status Taiwan?”. Nah, pas banget hari Kamis yang lalu, aku melakukan presentasi dalam kuliah Political Development in Taiwan. Sengaja mengambil kelas ini supaya bisa lebih memahami hal-hal yang terjadi di Taiwan, serta juga bisa belajar latar belakang sejarah Taiwan yang cukup complicated dengan statusnya.

Di postingan kali ini, aku copaskan rangkuman dari tugas bacaan dan presentasiku. Selamat membaca :)

The Evolution of the KMT’s Stance on the One China Principle: National Identity in Flux

By: Wu Yu-Shan (2011)


This chapter explained about how the old force has been striving to maintain its political relevance by reformulating its ideals and reconciling Chinese and Taiwanese identities.

Two competing identities in Taiwan; one advocated by the KMT and the pan-Blue camp, while the other is by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the pan-green camp. The comparison of the two identities is based on their historiography, their identification of status quo, and their preference for the future of the nation. These two dominant identities are competing for supremacy; a pro-unification stance advocated by the KMT and a pro-independence position championed by the DPP.

The important discussion in this chapter is about the 1992 Consensus, different interpretations of “One China”. KMT government and Taiwan concerned that One China is referred to the Republic of China. Two sides of the strait have different opinions about the meaning of One China. To Beijing, One China means the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with Taiwan to become a Special Administrative Region after unification. For Taipei, considers One China as Republic of China (ROC), founded in 1912 and with de jure sovereignty over all of China.


Wu also described about the electoral cycle and power position of KMT regarding Taiwan’s national identity orientation. Wu argued that KMT are being pragmatic by shifting their orientation; when the party is in power position, it forms the government and the concern of party leadership is becoming realist; how to deal with Beijing. While the party is out of power, KMT leadership becoming fundamentalist especially between electoral competitions, and shifting to centrist during the electoral competition in order to gain more support and public vote.

In the end, regarding Taiwan’s national identity, majority opinion in Taiwan has always been for maintaining the status quo. Ma even offered a three no’s policy: no unification, no independence and no use of force, which representing status quo stand.


Nah, untuk lengkapnya silakan unduh dan baca slide presentasiku di sini: Political Dev in Taiwan ya :) , Kalau ada yang kurang jelas atau mau didiskusikan lebih lanjut, jom sila komentar ^^!

Trus sebagai informasi tambahan, berikut link data grafik dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Election Study Center – NCCU terkait:

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